Wise Old Man of Isle Royale Is Setting up Shop in Copper Harbor

Wise Old Man of Isle Royale has been busy in the last month finalizing plans to purchase a storefront in Copper Harbor. We are located at 234 6th Street, right next to the Bella Vista Motel, kitty corner from the King Copper Motel and a block away from the Isle Royale Queen VI dock. InContinue reading “Wise Old Man of Isle Royale Is Setting up Shop in Copper Harbor”

Meditations on the Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor Excursion: Part III

Daisy Farm, Three-Mile, Rock Harbor So, on this hike, we came from Chippewa Harbor to Moskey with a side stop at Lake Richie. Then we took the Rock Harbor Trail from Moskey to Daisy Farm. Because it’s only 3.9 miles, we got to Daisy Farm early in the day and got set up in aContinue reading “Meditations on the Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor Excursion: Part III”

Meditations on the Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor Excursion: Part II

Moskey Basin to Daisy Farm After taking the Voyageur II to Chippewa Harbor, you explored the area around the harbor and then hiked over to Lake Richie to take in its beauty. On the way you crossed over a long boardwalk and passed on the pathway with the wolf prints to get the the LakeContinue reading “Meditations on the Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor Excursion: Part II”

Meditations on the Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor Excursion: Part I

We usually arrive in Chippewa Harbor via a hop from Rock Harbor on the Voyageur II, on shorter excursions of six days and five nights, reserving ten-day and nine-night excursions for full cross-island adventures. For the moderately experienced hiker who has about a week to vacation, a Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor excursion is perfect.Continue reading “Meditations on the Chippewa Harbor to Rock Harbor Excursion: Part I”

Creating an Itinerary

Planning for Success Planning a backpacking itinerary on Isle Royale has a few moving parts that you have to accommodate. You also need to estimate your stamina for this particular terrain. Many people think that the lack of elevation (the max is about 1400 and the minimum is 600 ft. above sea level) means thatContinue reading “Creating an Itinerary”

Trail Marking, Cairns & Safety

Thanks, Trail Crew! The trail crews on Isle Royale, and at any US National Park, do their best to keep the visiting public safe, for the most part in highly subtle ways. They are engaged in a delicate balancing act between protecting the flora and fauna, the plants and animals, from the impact of publicContinue reading “Trail Marking, Cairns & Safety”

What’s Available for 2024?

Wise Old (Wo)Man Guides Plan Four Excursions We are open for reservations for 2024 with one Chippewa Harbor, one Greenstone Ridge, one Daisy Farm Loop, and one Minong Ridge excursion on the books for 2024. The Chippewa Harbor excursion is scheduled for the 14th to the 20th of June 2024. We are at a hotelContinue reading “What’s Available for 2024?”

Day Hikes & Overnights

Visiting Isle Royale on a Tight Timeline Many of us operate on a tight timeline and wring every last bit of adventure from our short vacations and long weekends. Despite others’ preferences to enjoy Isle Royale for weeks or even a month each summer, some want to see the high points without overstressing. We haveContinue reading “Day Hikes & Overnights”

Thinking Light

Shaving Ounces As we all know, a low pack weight matters when backpacking, especially when an excursion extends beyond a long weekend. The lighter the pack, the more pleasant the hike. Of course, the moments spent not hiking are also important. Without appropriate gear, a backpacker risks discomfort, dehydration or heat exhaustion as well hypo-Continue reading “Thinking Light”

Why Do I Share Backpacking?

When I think about how I want to spend my sixties and seventies and after, it is certainly not sitting behind a desk or in a physician’s office getting diagnoses and medical treatments to ward off the results of sitting too much. Of course, maintaining health into one’s senior years does require addressing issues toContinue reading “Why Do I Share Backpacking?”

Moose, Wolf, and Other Views

Of Backpacking Isle Royale through the Lens of Another’s Eyes From the 9th through the 15 of September, Michelle, Duane, and I backpacked Isle Royale to some new realizations. As with all hikes, Duane and I had expectations and routines, but each person who hikes with us offers new insights simply because of their uniqueContinue reading “Moose, Wolf, and Other Views”

Women Rocking the Hike

Isle Royale in a Cool Late August Hiking Isle Royale is a great experience at any time of year, but Lara, Jennifer, and I had an exquisite experience with the cool weather in late August this year. We arrived on the Queen IV at Rock Harbor, caught a hop on the Voyageur II to ChippewaContinue reading “Women Rocking the Hike”

What Success Looks Like

Hiking Isle Royale the First Time Probably the most fun hike for me is one where newcomers to the sport of backpacking join me for a first hike on Isle Royale and exceed their own expectations–and have a great time doing it. This past weekend Lynn and Gil did just that. They jumped in, gotContinue reading “What Success Looks Like”

Backpacking Envy

My friends are hiking the Minong, and I am not! Duane, Gregg, and Michael have been hiking across the Minong Ridge Trail for the last few days, and we all know that trail is my favorite. You can be sure that I am wishing I were there with them, crossing the beaver dams between WashingtonContinue reading “Backpacking Envy”

What Our Guides Do for You

From Start to Finish How does one get started backpacking? Duane always says, “just book a boat.” Yes, just book a boat. If you need more help, book a guide. Then buy a backpack and a good pair of boots. When you book with Wise Old Man of Isle Royale Guide Services, we match youContinue reading “What Our Guides Do for You”

Am I too Old to Hike? Are We? Are You?

Seniors Hiking As we age, we face the inevitable judgments about our abilities to engage in vital activities, yet these activities are necessary for us to remain vital in our senior years. The pointed commentary comes at us from all sides, from healthcare professionals, to those who mean well but don’t understand the importance ofContinue reading “Am I too Old to Hike? Are We? Are You?”

Isle Royale Water Sources & Cautions

Filtering & Treating–Alerts, Toxins, and Avoidance Windigo and Rock Harbor are the only two areas on Isle Royale where water can be obtained from spigots and does not need to be filtered or treated. Every other area, inland or on Lake Superior, requires filtering and/or treating. In addition, sources may become unusable as the seasonContinue reading “Isle Royale Water Sources & Cautions”

Greenstone Ridge Trail Views

Lake Vistas and Lush Forests There’s a long running debate about which is “best” trail on Isle royale, and each trail has its charms. The Greenstone Ridge Trail boasts the greatest variation in elevation and in views available on the island. We attest that the Greenstone Ridge Trail views are some of the best onContinue reading “Greenstone Ridge Trail Views”

Don’t Have ISRO Hiking Experience?

Wise Old Man Can Help! It’s daunting to arrive on Isle Royale with no experience. You don’t know the terrain, the challenges, or how to plan for your needs, and the environment is remote which creates additional challenges. Wise Old Man guides can help. Six things you need to know: First, temperatures vary greatly betweenContinue reading “Don’t Have ISRO Hiking Experience?”

Basecamping on Isle Royale

Six Best Choices Base camping on Isle Royale allows for a slower and more peaceful experience than backpacking. There are six excellent choices for base camping on the main island, Including Daisy Farm, Moskey Basin, Chippewa Harbor, Malone Bay, Windigo/Washington Creek, and McCargoe Cove. Regardless of your entry point, you will need to coordinate hopsContinue reading “Basecamping on Isle Royale”

Getting Lost on Isle Royale

To Sit, or Swim, or Think When I have had a particularly engaged year with too much work which comes with great satisfaction from the devotion of too much energy to the success of others, I stop. I simply stop. At summer, I stop. Some say, “to smell the roses.” But that’s not what IContinue reading “Getting Lost on Isle Royale”

Finding Yourself on the Greenstone

Five Reasons to Hike the Main Spine of Isle Royale The Greenstone Ridge Trail traverses the island from end to end. Starting at the Hidden Lake Dock in the east and progressing to Windigo on the western end of the island, the Greenstone Ridge Trail affords the quintessential experience of Isle Royale. While there areContinue reading “Finding Yourself on the Greenstone”

Don’t want to backpack? Basecamp

Ten Reasons to Basecamp at Washington Creek Campground at Windigo Not everyone who goes to Isle Royale wants to backpack, and–let’s face it–lots of people can’t afford to stay at the lodge or the camper cabins. The alternative is to base camp, but where? There are many options which I addressed in another post, butContinue reading “Don’t want to backpack? Basecamp”

Too Old to Hike? Probably Not

4 Considerations for Senior Hikers on Isle Royale Isle Royale is a great place to hike and backpack, and it’s not only for the young. Backpacking is about endurance and preparation, not speed. Our national parks are for all of us, seniors included. You should check with your healthcare provider to make sure you areContinue reading “Too Old to Hike? Probably Not”

Hiking in Moose Rut Season

Let’s talk a Moose Rut Hike. What is it? We plan late season hikes each year, just prior to the close of the season to take advantage of the opportunities to see moose at the height of their prime competing to pass on their genes. As the summer season comes to a close, the matingContinue reading “Hiking in Moose Rut Season”

Moose Mommas & Their Calves

Join us on June 1 through 5, 2023 Each spring, we like to get out in early June to view the calves. Early in the year, the cows are really protective of their new young that are teetering around on unsteady legs. In 2021, Duane met a calf still unsure of its long legs onContinue reading “Moose Mommas & Their Calves”

Why Hike Isle Royale?

It does something for each of us. We all have our reasons. Many people hike Isle Royale as part of their plans to visit every US National Park. Others run the trails because it is their way to experience the outdoors. Yet others want to get away and experience the rugged off-trail backcountry experience. IContinue reading “Why Hike Isle Royale?”

Are the Bugs Bad in . . . ?

On Isle Royale Maybe it’s buggy in June. Maybe not. In the earliest parts of June, it’s not likely to be buggy, but as the season progresses and the weather warms, the breeding season for mosquitoes and other bugs comes into full swing. Are the bugs bad in July? June, September, August? Everyone asks thisContinue reading “Are the Bugs Bad in . . . ?”

What’s in a Boot?

My Foot, of Course! Let’s face it, I have wonky feet. Well, I think everyone has wonky feet. We have long toes or short toes, high arches or flat. We have lumps and twists and bulges that make our feet unique and uniquely hard to fit for comfortable hiking. On Isle Royale’s rugged trails, myContinue reading “What’s in a Boot?”

Mishaps and Lessons

Over our decades of hiking Isle Royale, both as park visitors and as guides, we have learned from our mishaps and inconveniences, and we actively apply the lessons learned. Tuck and Roll We had been hiking all day, coming from Daisy Farm and were planning to camp at West Chickenbone. The cold driving rain continuedContinue reading “Mishaps and Lessons”

Scamps: Isle Royale Foxes

Isle Royale foxes both annoy and delight. Even while they can prove to make a hiking excursion really uncomfortable by digging in your pack and eating your food or running off with one or both of your boots, I have to admit that they are the cheekiest and most entertaining bandits on the island. WhileContinue reading “Scamps: Isle Royale Foxes”

Favorite Moose Moments on ISRO

Duane and I have had some moose encounters over the years. Seeing them in the different contexts is at least one of the reasons why we visit and revisit Isle Royale. The most volatile encounters concern cows and their calves, but no moose should be taken lightly. Nose-to-Nose Thinking of the momma moose and herContinue reading “Favorite Moose Moments on ISRO”

Good Information Can Keep You Safe

Evaluate Your Sources If your information source can’t pass a CRAP test, it is not a good source. Crap is an acronym for Currency, Reliability, Authority, and Purpose, and evaluating your sources of information using this analytical tool can ensure you have the right information to plan a safe excursion on Isle Royale. Currency addressesContinue reading “Good Information Can Keep You Safe”

Feeling Good on the Feldtmann Loop

A challenge often passed by for the end-to-end experiences The Feldtmann Loop is perfect for those arriving on Isle Royale from Grand Portage via the Voyageur II or from Houghton via the Seaplane who want the full experience but don’t have time for an extended stay. It can be done as a stand-alone in fiveContinue reading “Feeling Good on the Feldtmann Loop”

Base camping, inter-island hopping, & accessible experiences

Ideas for visiting Isle Royale without backpacking When we think of Isle Royale, backpacking, kayaking, and boating come to mind, but not all people want, or are not able, to backpack in order to experience the beauty of this national park. Campground hopping can be a perfect option. It requires a sufficient amount of timeContinue reading “Base camping, inter-island hopping, & accessible experiences”

What about Malone Bay?

This trail creates options. Malone Bay is located at the end of the Ishpeming trail which you access from the Greenstone Ridge Trail at the Ishpeming Point or by Voyageur II if you come by boat. It is a favorite of fishermen who dock with their own vessels. It is also popular with people travelingContinue reading “What about Malone Bay?”

To Solo or not to Solo

What’s the difference? The choice of going it alone or going with friends or a guide is one that requires some thought, one that has consequences for all of the choices you make when you set out on an adventure. Last year, I hiked the Minong Ridge Trail twice in the same season, once aloneContinue reading “To Solo or not to Solo”

Let’s Do the Greenstone Ridge Trail!

While there are any number of opportunities to use the Greenstone Ridge Trail to get to other points on the island, for example out to Chippewa Harbor or toward Lane Cove or Malone Bay, it is the primary means to hike the length of the island. It also provides an exit from the Minong Ridge Trail for those who choose to go from Todd Harbor to Hatchet Lake, instead of going to Little Todd or North Desor.

What about that Minong Ridge Trail?

Let’s face it, more than any other trail on Isle Royale, I love the Minong Ridge Trail. Why? Because it’s difficult. It may be the most difficult trail on the island. Yes, there is the Feldtmann Loop which is not for slouches. There is the hike out to Malone Bay, which is ass-kicking when doneContinue reading “What about that Minong Ridge Trail?”

Women in the Backcountry of Isle Royale

When women contemplate hiking and backpacking, they have obstacles to overcome, a lot of social conditioning that impresses on women to fear being attacked. Social media reinforces those fears. Well-meaning ideas about keeping sister, mom, or daughter safe can heighten the obstacles. Beyond that, we develop self-doubts because we are so often told what weContinue reading “Women in the Backcountry of Isle Royale”

Hiking a Tough Trail with Old Friends

I love a tough trail. When I hike, I’m in my own mental space. I like the sound of my own breath and the reflective effort it takes to navigate a tough trail. My core motivation for hiking has something to do with absorbing the ambiance of the forest, or the waterfront, or cliff edgeContinue reading “Hiking a Tough Trail with Old Friends”

More on Women & Safety on IRNP

My dear friend charged me with having avoided the core topic of the post, “On Women, Safety, and Hiking Isle Royale,” a point that may well be true. So how does the potential for rape or violence against women impact hiking Isle Royale? After all, this is the central issue voiced in the responses to my first post on women solo hikers to which my follow-up intended to respond.

Days 2 & 3 Minong Ridge Trail

2022 July 3 & 4 I made it to Todd Harbor directly from the Voyageur II on Day 1, which was July 2, and set up camp. This was the easy day. On Day 2, I progressed from Todd Harbor into North Desor Campground, traversing 12.4 miles. On Day 3, I continued from North DesorContinue reading “Days 2 & 3 Minong Ridge Trail”

Minong Ridge Trail Hike-July 2-4, ’22

Day One: McCargoe Cove to Todd Harbor On July 2, 2022, Duane and I caught the Voyageur II from Grand Portage to Windigo where we were briefed on Island safety and proceeded to permitting. I reboarded the Voyageur for three hours to McCargoe Cove, the starting point of the Minong Ridge Trail, to start myContinue reading “Minong Ridge Trail Hike-July 2-4, ’22”

Isle Royale Hike in mid-June 2022

On June 11, 2022, I arrived at the Queen IV dock at 7:00 AM and checked in with Miranda at the office. I was excited for my first trip out for the year, even though the forecast was for cold and rain. I felt prepared with my cold-weather gear. Captain Ben and the crew were ready for us to board.

Kayaking on Keweenaw Bay in Lake Superior

On June 5, 2022, Duane and I got out for the third time this year in our kayaks. We had been out a couple weeks earlier when it was warmer, circling around the entire area known as L’Anse Bay, basically from the water plant in L’Anse, across to the Ojibwa Campground in Baraga and aroundContinue reading “Kayaking on Keweenaw Bay in Lake Superior”

Wise Old Man Offers Guide Services

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, Wise Old Man of Isle Royale received its Commercial Use Authorization from Isle Royale National Park to be able to offer guide services to backpackers. Our plans start with pre-trip planning with Zoom meeting and telephone consultations as you assemble your gear and supplies followed by a pre-departure safety briefingContinue reading “Wise Old Man Offers Guide Services”

Day 10 Chippewa Harbor to Atwood Beach

We departed Chippewa Harbor with Dogger. He headed north to catch his boat from Rock Harbor, and we headed south and west out of the mouth of the harbor to our destination at Attwood Beach. We wanted to cross the open water at Siskiwit Bay if the water was calm. Had there been a challenge,Continue reading “Day 10 Chippewa Harbor to Atwood Beach”